At St Bede’s the intention of the curriculum is to:
- Ensure that all students, in all subjects encounter a knowledge rich curriculum that reflects the person of Christ and is aligned with the teachings and mission of the Church.
- Provide students with the knowledge, skills and opportunities required to leave The Academy with a broad range of quality qualifications which, the majority, should include the EBacc and to be able to effectively access both local and national jobs market.
- Provide all students a knowledge rich curriculum through Key Stage 3, so that even if they do not continue studying the subject in Key Stage 4, they have secured knowledge and skills that prepares them to access future learning.
- Provide opportunities both in and out of school to develop the whole child so that they can fully participate in enrichment activities, feel safe and are able to contribute positively to society and their future careers.
- Provide challenge and support for vulnerable students who should access the full curriculum.
The curriculum at St Bede’s follows the national pattern of being divided into the key stages of three and four. Key Stage Three is spread across years 7, 8 and 9 and represents a transition from year 6 in the primary and the establishment of a solid base of preparation for the externally assessed courses of Key Stage Four during years 10 and 11.
In Years 7 & 8 students are organised into academic ability sets for English, Maths and Science. Timetable considerations allow for English, Maths and Science to be set independently. All other courses are taught in mixed ability groups.
In Year 9 students continue to be in sets for English, Maths and Science. Classes are made set in MFL in Year 9. All remaining subjects are taught in mixed ability groups.
In Years 10 and 11 students are taught in groups based upon their option choices made in Year 9. In Years 10 and 11, for English, Maths, Science, RS and Humanities students are usually organised into 2 bands based upon their overall academic ability. Within each band, classes are organised into academic sets. All other subjects are based upon the student uptake for each subject and are taught in mixed ability option groups. Due to the size of the cohort, Year 10 are taught for English, Maths, Science, RS and Humanities in one linear band including all students in the year group.
PSHCE is organised into a rolling programme, involving 1 lesson per week over 5 half terms being dedicated to this subject area. All students participate in the PSHCE programme in school across years 7 to 11.
All students are offered the chance to make option choices that would fulfil the conditions for the English Baccalaureate (9 to 5 grades in English, Maths, Science, Humanities and MFL). St Bede’s encourage all students of the appropriate academic ability to choose options that enable them to access the English Baccalaureate. For more information on the English Baccalaureate please visit the government website by clicking here.