There are now several ways in which you may qualify for free transport. These are:
On Income Grounds
If you are on a low income you may be entitled to transport to one of the three nearest qualifying schools provided they are between 2 and 6 miles from your home address.
On Grounds of Religion or Belief
If you are on a low income you may be entitled to transport to a specific school based on your religion or belief if you live between 2 and 15 miles from the school. When applying for transport under this category you will be asked to state your reasons for wanting your child to attend this school.
To qualify for free travel you must state that you wish your child to attend a faith school sympathetic to religious beliefs of individuals. Proof of your religion or belief to substantiate your claim may be required. This could be in the form of letter from your own place of worship, certificates of baptism or attendance.
If you are in receipt of free school meals or any benefits, excluding child benefit, you may be entitled to the above. Please check with the Transport Department on telephone 01724 297218 for further information.
Other categories are:
Children who live out of the Scunthorpe area who wish to use a School bus. Transport may be available in some areas but is charged termly and subject to spaces available.
Children both Catholic and non Catholic who live within three miles and would like to travel on a school bus. Transport may be available but at a weekly charge. The weekly fee is currently £13.50 for the 698, the fee for the 694 is £20.00 weekly. Please contact Ms Pope on 01724 245151 for further details.
If your child comes under the last two categories they will need to have a bus pass issued by school. The charge for the bus pass will be £10.00 per child and we ask for a passport size photograph which will be put onto the child’s bus pass. This enables the bus drivers to identify the person using the bus pass and that it is being used correctly.
There is one bus (698) which services the town of Scunthorpe and there is the following out of town buses/taxis:
694 Crowle, Ealand, Belton, West Butterwick, Althorpe, Keady, Burringham