Subject and Time Allocations

The academic week is divided into 30 lessons. Each lesson is 50 minutes in length. Lessons are allocated as follows:

Year 7 & 8

English, Mathematics & Science (4 lessons)

Religious Education (3 lessons)

History, Geography, French, German, Technology and PE (2 lessons)

Music, Art and ICT (1 lesson)

PSHCE (1 hour (on a rolling programme))

Year 9

English, Mathematics & Science (4 lessons)

Religious Education (3 lessons)

History, Geography, French, German, Technology and PE (2 lessons)

Music, Drama, Art, Technology and ICT (1 lesson)

PSHCE (1 hour (on a rolling programme))

Years 10

English & Science (5 lessons)

Mathematics (4 lessons)

Religious Education & Humanities (3 lessons)

Core PE (1 lesson)

PSHCE (1 hour (on a rolling programme))

Option subjects are split into 3 option blocks. Option blocks receive 3 lessons per week each.

Year 11

English & Mathematics (5 lessons)

Science (4 lessons)

Religious Education & Humanities (3 lessons)

Core PE (1 lesson)

PSHCE (1 hour (on a rolling programme))

Option subjects are split into 3 option blocks. Option blocks receive 3 lessons per week each.