This is a integral part of school: Students are required to complete homework in all subjects.
- Homework will be set weekly in all core subjects in all years.
- Homework is set weekly in all subjects in Y9, Y10 and Y11.
- In Yr7 and Y8 those subjects which only have one lesson per week will be set homework fortnightly.
- There is no homework set for core PE and very rarely PSHCE
- Homework in Y7 and Y8 is intended to take approximately 30 minutes
- Homework in Y9, Y10 and Y11 should last between 45 minutes and one hour.
- All homework is to be recorded in their planners, it is the students responsibly to do this, except where there is an need for staff to record and check in line with students IEPs and/or requests from pastoral staff.
- Homework should be completed in student books and clearly identified.
- Students planners will be checked by learning tutors and SLT to ensure that homework is being recorded and completed.
- All subjects in all years will be set homework which involves reading and where possible extended pieces of text.